What does a redstone repeater do

    how comparators work minecraft
    how do comparators work minecraft
    how do comparators work minecraft bedrock
    how does comparators work minecraft
  • How comparators work minecraft
  • Redstone comparator use...

    The redstone comparator is by far the most misunderstood redstone component. It has one main input, two side inputs and one output.

    Redstone comparator recipe

  • Redstone repeater recipe
  • Redstone comparator use
  • Comparator minecraft
  • Redstone repeater
  • If we ignore the side inputs, comparators might appear to behave similar to repeaters, since they output a signal 1 redstone tick after the main input is activated, but they have the following vital differences.

    -Unlike repeaters, comparators do not have an adjustable delay setting of 2-8 gameticks, they will always produce 2 gameticks of delay.

    - Comparators have a tiletick priority of 0 while a repeater always has a negative tiletick priority. One exception is that a comparator will have a priority of -1 if facing into a repeater.

    Redstone comparator

    -Unlike repeaters, comparators do not repeat the signal, when powered by a redstone line, the signal strength they emit matches the signal strength input and is not reset to 15.

    -Comparators can detect items inside blocks that have an inventory, either behind them, or 2 blocks behind through a solid block.

    The higher the ratio between the amount of items in the inventory to the possible amount of items in the inven

      how do comparators work java minecraft
      how do redstone comparators work in minecraft