How to use a redstone comparator
- how to make a minecraft comparator
- how to make a redstone comparator
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Redstone comparator.
How to Craft and Use a Redstone Comparator in Minecraft
The Redstone Comparator is a relatively complicated Redstone tool that serves several purposes. It is generally not needed for simple Redstone contraptions but becomes a useful tool to make complicated contraptions easier to build.
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The only downside is figuring out how to use the Comparator. This guide will help make the Comparator easier to understand.
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How to Craft and Use a Redstone Comparator in Minecraft
Oddly enough, the easiest part of the Comparator is crafting it.
As stated above, it serves many purposes, so placing it appropriately is complicated enough. We'll go over the crafting and each use of the Redstone Comparator below.
To craft the Redstone Comparator, you will need the following items:
- 3 x Redstone Torch
- 3 x Stone
- 1 x Nether Quartz
When using a crafting table, use the items in the same pattern as the image below.
It's easy enough!
Getting the Nether Quartz does require a trip to the Nether, which means that the Comparator is a mid-game item. Be
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