Minecraft ore distribution chart

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    Minecraft 1.21 Ore Distribution Best level for all ores (Diamonds, Gold, Restone, and more)

    With over 10 different ores to find and mine in Minecraft, there's a lot of searching that precedes before you can hoard these resources.

    But, each of these ore has a higher chance to spawn at certain levels or depths on the map. So, to help you mine optimally, here are the best levels for all ores in Minecraft 1.21 with all the info you need on their distribution.

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    Best level for every ore in Minecraft

    Before we get into the details, here's a complete overview of every ore and their most commonly found levels, alongside their total distribution range:

    OreMost common level (in Y level)Total distribution range
    Coal45Y levels 0 to 320
    Copper43Y levels -16 to 112
    Iron14Y levels -64 to 320
    Lapis Lazuli-2Y levels-64 to 64
    Gold-18Y levels -64 to 32
    Redstone-59Y levels -64 to 16
    Diamond-59Y levels-64 to 16
    Emerald85Y levels -16 to 320

    As you can see some ores spawn below

      how to get ores in minecraft
      how to find minerals in minecraft