Single player commands mod

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        8. Single player commands download...

          This article is a work-in-progress.
          It may be finished in the near future, check its history to see previous edits.
          Current developerssimo_415
          Supported Minecraft versions1.2.5
          Mod loaderNo

          Single Player Commands is a mod that adds many commands to single player.

          It provides many powerful building capabilities. Many server commands can be found on Bukkit.

          Minecraft single player commands

          Installing this mod may disable sounds. To restore sounds, delete the .bin folder.

          Command List[]

          To bring up the command "console" type "T" then type in the command. Below is a brief run through of the command list:

          • achievement <list|unlock> – Allows the player to list or unlock all achievements
          • alias <NAME> <COMMAND> {ARGS} – Allows the player to assign an alias to one or more words
          • ascend – Moves the player to the next platform above their position.
          • atlantis – Toggles atlantis mode on/off.

            Do not use from mod version 3.2.2 onwards, as it will destroy the player's world.

          • biome – Tells the player what biome they are currently in.